Family fall session
Saturday, November 19, 2011
A few days ago I met up with H family in the late afternoon. Here is a sneak peek from our fun session!

Geneva wedding
Thursday, November 10, 2011
On October 29 my good friend and cousin Jonas got married to the love of his life Johana. With Jonas being from Sweden and Johana from Costa Rica and getting married in Geneva, Switzerland it was a very international wedding and lots of fun. We were lucky enough to be able to be there to celebrate with them, family and friends for a long weekend.
Here are some pictures from their beautiful day!!!
My newborn nephew
Monday, October 10, 2011
On June 21 this summer my sister had a baby boy and I became an aunt! My sweet sweet nephew Max was born on Åland (an island in between Sweden and Finland in the Baltic) and we got to meet him for the first time this when he was just a two days new.
Swedish crawfish party
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Labels: Newborn, Children, Family, Private
my life
Blog summer break
Saturday, September 10, 2011
...the blog has been sleeping! The blog owner have been taking a break, to spend the summer playing in the baby pool with her kids, spending time with family and friends and getting ready for the school year. Hope you all had a great summer!
Labels: Newborn, Children, Family, Private
Last day of school
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Axels last day as a Kindergartener... he is sooo happy and excited! Now a great fun summer break in Sweden and then off to first grade! I am so proud of you my big boy!
Photo studio testing
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Preparing for a fun party and setting up a photo studio for the night. My little one is the testing model for the day.... great posing glamor Oskar!!!
Newborn baby girl
Friday, May 27, 2011
The other week I had the opportunity to meet with and photography newborn little Abigail and her family. She really gave me my baby fix for the day! Only 2 weeks old and so awake and alert... and she also did end up falling asleep for me later and I was able to capture some really beautiful sleeping photos of her as well.
Thank you M family for a fun afternoon.
- Mia
Labels: Newborn, Children, Family, Private
Articel about Cookbook author
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
These are some of the photos I captured of my friend Elin who just gave out a cook book in Sweden. We got together for a 'fika' one afternoon to talk about here book for an article in our Swedish magazine here in Denver.
Spring break
Sunday, April 17, 2011
We just came back from a wonderful Spring break in San Diego - I sooo LOVE the beach!!! More pictures to come soon. MammaMia
After school fun!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The other day I surprised Axel when I picked him up from school... and we went to a really fun place to look at cool airplanes. He LOVED it and he really got to show off as the rocker dude he wants to be!
Labels: Newborn, Children, Family, Private
Sibling sneak peek
Thursday, March 31, 2011
This is a sneak peek from my photo session with adorable siblings T & F. Thank you for a FUN morning!
Labels: Newborn, Children, Family, Private
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