Hello and welcome to my blog

I'm Mia, a mother of two boys, a wife and a photographer based in Denver, Colorado. This is a blog about my work, my art, my life and my business. I photograph bellies, babies, children, families, seniors and more. I love photography, I love my job and I love to capture the moments of life. On my photography blog you will find some of my latest work and sneak peeks from recent photo sessions.


W Family Fall portrait

Friday, November 19, 2010
WOW... time is really flying by now and I have been working like crazy the last few weeks. And YES, it is a little bit crazy - every time Oskar is napping I run to office to sit in front och the computer and when the boys go to bed at night I am there again. Have had a few photo shoots this fall and it feels great to back in the loop ...again. Good thing I LOVE what I do!!

Here are some of my favorite photos from a photo shoot a few weeks back. My new photography friend Tami and I came up with the fantastic idea to do photo swap and take pictures of each others families. I have never ever been so nervous before a photo shoot before but they were awesome and we had a really fun time together. Thanks Tami!

Here are some photos from my session with them... and more to come...!!!


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